Digital Thermometers, Temperature Loggers & Probes
Temperature Loggers
Low cost Temperature Loggers for food transport and storage. Only 60mm in diameter, secured via chain.
EC-Disklog-10 logger (near right) logs -10 to 70º C
Software and interface also available.
The Escort mini 2000 (far right) is a low cost logger for all applications where they will not be wet, especially for freezers. LEDs give immediate status of the logger and an optional printer eliminates the need for a PC.
Milwaukee Portable Thermometers
Milwaukee makes a wide range of Digital Thermometers to suit all applications. These Digital Thermometers are fast and accurate and offer top quality at low cost. They cover temperatures from -50 degrees C to 150 degrees.
TH310 4" Probe ideal soil, many other uses.
Other models available with 1 meter cable and 41/4" probe.
Temperature Calibration Checker Cups
Temperature Calibration Checker Cup the simple way to easily check your probe thermometers and infra-red sensors. Probe thermometer(s) insert as per photo on right. Infra-red sensor is positioned facing down into cup interior.

Quality stainless steel Temperature cup. Product code TSCUP.
Long Temperature Probes
For measuring temperature in compost, hay or liquid.
Lengths available: 3ft (90cm), 4ft (1.2m), or made to order 2ft (60cm). Even longer probes can also be made to order.

See Moisture Meters & Probes
- Moisture Meters - Soil & others
- Moisture Meters - Grain, Hay & Compost
- Moisture Meters - Building Materials